testostud Mystery Shopping

How to provide QUALITY Mystery Shopping service?

Mystery Shopping quality – how to measure it? Why is it so important?

After all, based on the results of the tests, future action plans are established – “treatment” is determined.
How to evaluate the quality of a doctor? The level of who prescribes (recommends) the medicine?

The article highlights, among other things, the advice for organizing mystery shopping from a document created on the basis of a thorough analysis by the EBA (European Banking Authority) of the European Union, published on July 21, 2021. You will find mature advice with recommended guidelines for organizing Mystery Shopping in Europe.
Read more …

hea teenindus kaalujälgimine testostud testkülastused cx mystery shopping teeninduse parandamine

Good service doesn’t happen when you collect information in a drawer!

Measuring a blood pressure in itself does not improve health! If the result shows that health is out of order, then measuring again and again, even 20 times, will not change the health. This principle applies perfectly to customer service and sales communication. A lot of valuable information can be gained from Mystery Shopping or gathering customer feedback (CX), which can then be used to demonstrate either the implementation of service standards or the fulfilment of customer expectations. But, again, measuring in itself does not change the result!

testostud tagasiside andmine klienditeenindus juhtimine lugupidamine mystery shopping service service staff

Why do we need Mystery Shopping service in our company?

Mystery Shopping service could easily cause an allergic reaction in company. Read in this article what can go wrong and how a company can avoid it. It is alaso very important to help service staff to understand the goal of this service and not to overreact.

tagasiside andmine juhtimine tagasisidestamine vestlus testostud põhjal Trendline Analytics internal audit siseaudit

Providing feedback based on Mystery Shopping. How to improve it?

Feedback based on Mystery Shopping can either lift an employee up or bring them down. Imagine if a family doctor gave a patient their blood test results and said, “Well, you know, it’s just a meaningless obligation that you need to fulfill … check your iron levels.” And that’s it! Without explaining which indicators, how, why, what’s the expected level of iron, and what’s considered too low? Or, if the doctor took a blood sample, held it up to the light, and subjectively said, “What a wonderful color!” It wouldn’t be very trustworthy, would it?

Trendline Analytics Müügisuhtluse Efektiivsuse Indeks näidis Sales Effectiveness Index

Sales Effectiveness Index – a number that helps to draw the right conclusions!

A 4-component index that shows the effectiveness of a company’s sales communication. The Sales Effectiveness Index (SEI) visually demonstrates how efficiently a company’s customer base is utilized. SEI shows the combined impact of 4 important factors on the final result. It can also be said that the final result indicates how efective the employees are if they are expected to do sales work in retail.

koolitused testostud teenindusstandardid Trendline

TIME OUT in Your Company! How to use it?

Probably You agree that time out is not just for sitting in the bench and wasting precious time. If the coach decides to use one of the few options it would be wise to set the strategics for the few next minutes coming. But if the whistle was arranged by the opposite side? 2020 time…

Scpice Riga Trendline Analytics Mystery Shopping SLEPENĀ PIRCĒJA VĒRTĒŠANA

Mystery Shopping in Shopping Centres – why and how?

How to get objective understanding of the lessees sales and service skills if in the same Shopping Centre there are hundreds of stores and restaurants with very different service models? There will be a lot of disputes and arguing if the clothing stores and coffee shops are measured using the same scale. It would be…

testostja mystery shopper  slepeno vērtētāju slaptuoju pirkėju

Want to become a MYSTERY SHOPPER?

To be a Mystery Shopper, would You like this job? We understand that good training and high motivation affects directly the quality of the final result.

We will open the door with this e-mail address: mystery.shopper@trendline.app for those who want to contact us to inform about their readiness in all Baltic countries and in Finland.

objective subjective Mystery Shopping testostud

Customer Feedback vs Mystery Shopping. What is what?

Mystery Shopping and customer’s feedback are both important but quite different things. Both are good tools but if You mix them together then You will get neither! How so? Personal opinion and well targeted measuring in service evaluation differ in the same way as professional doctor’s and neighbour’s diagnosis. What kind of Mystery Shopping is…