testostud Mystery Shopping

How to provide QUALITY Mystery Shopping service?

Mystery Shopping quality – how to measure it? Why is it so important?

After all, based on the results of the tests, future action plans are established – “treatment” is determined.
How to evaluate the quality of a doctor? The level of who prescribes (recommends) the medicine?

The article highlights, among other things, the advice for organizing mystery shopping from a document created on the basis of a thorough analysis by the EBA (European Banking Authority) of the European Union, published on July 21, 2021. You will find mature advice with recommended guidelines for organizing Mystery Shopping in Europe.
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Good service doesn’t happen when you collect information in a drawer!

Measuring a blood pressure in itself does not improve health! If the result shows that health is out of order, then measuring again and again, even 20 times, will not change the health. This principle applies perfectly to customer service and sales communication. A lot of valuable information can be gained from Mystery Shopping or gathering customer feedback (CX), which can then be used to demonstrate either the implementation of service standards or the fulfilment of customer expectations. But, again, measuring in itself does not change the result!