Mystery Shopping by Trendline!

Mystery Shopping by Trendline

Our approach to Mystery Shopping

Trendline has more than 20 years of experience in training and customer service development. Thanks to this experience, our Mystery Shopping service is focused to find out the areas in the service and sales process what are really relevant. We do not focus so much on the general details as appearance of the employee or cleanness of the service area, but more on the factors in the sales and service communication that affects the business result.

We give objective tools to department managers that can be used to further develop their employees. Visit results offer an opportunity to reward the best employees based on their efforts. You will see in a specific way what the employees are implementing of Your Company’s expectations.


Why is the Mystery Shopping service useful?

Well prepared and objectively focused Mystery Shopping helps to understand the real weaknesses and strengths of employees. This makes it possible to develop employees based on their actual needs. We measure how much your employees are completing Your company’s expectations.

multilingual platform multikeelne testostud üle Baltikumi Mystery Shopping

Where are we serving?

We offer our Mystery Shopping full service witn local native speaking mystery shoppers in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and Internal Audit and Customers feedback collecting service all over the world. We use local native speaking Mystery Shoppers in all these regions.

Trendline Analytics in a valued and actively contributing member of the European Mystery Shopping Professionals Association – MSPA.

Read our articles on MSPA webpage:

Article: ``Why do you need Mystery Shopping? Health check your service ...`` › Article: ``How to Survive and Thrive in a Business World full of Dramatic Change?`` ›

Mystery Shopping areas

kaubanduskeskus testostud Trendline testkülastused


We do measure customer service based on stores categorys. We do use different scales (questionnaires) for cashiere, showroom, pop up or restaurant cases.

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testkülastus hotell spaa Trendline testostud


We evaluate all different departments. Because the service expectations and service process differs by departments we do use correspondingly realistic questionnaires. 

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testostud jaemüük testkülastused Trendline testimine testid


We measure how much sales and customer service communication meets your expectations. We show where are the “leaks” what are preventing to reach better results.

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testostud testkülastused restoran Trendline


We will map the strong and weak parts of your particular service process. Will give objective details to focus on and to affect customers satisfaction and loyalty.

testkõned testostud testid testimine Trendline


Will measure your call center or your sales departments call handling skills. Possibility of name-based targeting if working schedules available. Topics based analyses.

koolitus e-mail


We help employees to stick to the e-mail standards of your company. Will measure how the cases are held in this channel if the customer has chosen it.

Alkoholi müügi testostud noored ID küsimine probleemolukordade konfliktide lahendamine koolitus Trendline


Service to check the asking of ID from the Youth while trying to buy alcohol. Analyse in the platform based on different parameters decided during the preparation process.

video standards mystery shopping feedback training videos Trendline service standards attitudes


Customer satisfaction surveys. Analyse in the same platform as Mystery Shopping. We use combined methods to get the opinion of the wide customer base not just from the fans.

multilingual platform multikeelne testostud üle Baltikumi customer experience polls Trendline Analytics surveys


We measure with what arguments Your product or brand is presented by resellers and also will give You the information how Your competitors products are argumented.

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Let’s meet and talk about our Mystery Shopping service!

We are happy to introduce our services and our Platform. We would be glad to give a demo
presentation in Your office or through an online meeting.

What makes our service Unique?


Thanks to our more than 20 years of consulting and training experience, our Mystery Shopping service is objective and realistic.

As part of the preparation work, we create custom questionnaires based on the service- and sales process of Your company.

mystery shoppings


All of our new Mystery Shoppers will be trained during webseminar to help them to understand the goal of the service and service process. Our Mystery Shoppers provide their service exclusevely for Trendline Analytics. In all Baltic countries we use local native speaking Mystery Shoppers.

mystery shoppings


Trendline Plartform is a management tool to display the strong and weak areas of sales- and customer service proccess. We develop our proprietary multilingual platform according to the needs of our customers.



We are based on Your expectations to Your employees. During the preparation work, we prepare questionnaires based on Your service standard, on the basis of which we perform Mystery Shopping.

In each country, we use for Mystery Shopping tasks native speakers.

Yes of course! We want to offer a service based on your current needs at any time. When changing the questionnaires, all the comparative information collected on the basis of the previous questionnaires will remain.

No! We use as many different questionnaires as needed during the same test wave, depending on which service situations You want to measure. And even when testing the same department, service situations are different, such as check-in and check-out situations in the hotel or the showroom and coffee shop in Shopping centre.

In this case, there are 2 options. 1. whether the scale is subjective, ie the personal opinion of the test clients is asked (and they are different for each person). Or 2. if the questionnaires are of high quality and objective, the level of service is unstable and uneven. In this case, regular customers also receive different level service.

An internal audit is for “shadow observations” performed by Your company’s head of department, internal trainer, shift overseer, or someone else and enters the result into the Trendline platform. The results of Mystery Shopping (external audit) and internal audit can be compared on the same desktop.

During the preparatory work, we will discuss with you and help you fix service templates. These are the basis for test visits. We create service templates for Your different departments based on the respective service communication. We fix the so-called red and green patterns of behavior. We will start to measure their implementation objectively. Based on them, you can create measurable and realistic service standards if you wish.

Not in Trendline’s case. This is very possible if the questionnaires are constructed subjectively. In other words, if the questionnaires ask for the personal opinion of this particular person (Mystery Shopper), then it is subjective and does not provide special input for development activities. Trendline approach is different. Rather, we objectively measure the extent to which the customer communication of Your employees meets the specific expectations set by the Company. All Trendline Mystery Shoppers follow the principles of the Mystery Shopping Professionals Association (MSPA) Code of Ethics for Mystery Shoppers.

For each job, we use so many unique Shoppers that the same service provider or spot will not be tested by the same test client during the same test wave.

Since we give Mystery Shoppers good training, we want to give them as much work as possible instead of each of them is  doing 1-2 jobs in a year and the tests being brittle. Experiences comes from experiencing. Mystery Shoppers experience and skills in naturally monitoring scenarios grow as they work. Our interface helps them to avoid employees who have already been tested (and especially by them).

You can compare both by test waves as a whole and also by one specific measure (question). You can also compare the results of, for example, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania if you are a company in several countries. In our Platform, You can also compare in detail, for example, the average result of the whole Country (or the whole company) with the result of one department. You can compare all employees by name and see who would need development on which topics, etc.

We have also started large-scale nationwide test waves with only one week’s notice. The speed of getting started depends on how many different service situations you want to measure (ie the time it takes to create and coordinate different questionnaires). Preparation work involves creating questionnaires based on Your service standards and then validating it.

Measuring service does not in itself improve service, but development activities planned on the basis of measurement results. Mystery Shopping should be followed by development activities, either for the department or for the company as a whole.

If the aim is to include the results of Mystery Shopping as a single measure in the employee bonus system, it would be sensible for each employee to be subjected to several tests nominally during the year to measure his or her level. If the goal is to measure the average level of departments on a random basis, then depending on the number of employees, budget opportunities and the impact of departments on business results, a service audit is useful either monthly or quarterly. Certain departments are certainly more critical than others. In our practice, we have partners with monthly Mystery Shopping cooperation, as well as those who do, for example, 2 large-scale waves in a year.

Interactive analyse

Trendline interactive platform will analyse the collected data in the same way for every desired level – country, area, store, department, employee. Every customer can decide the important criterios to measure and to compare with.

On the same page You can compare Mystery Shopping with Internal Audit (managers shadow observations). If desired You can export the detailed data to Excel.

Analyse and conclusions in visual way directly in the Platform. You can just login and give a presentation of theresults in a meeting or feedback conversation. No need for aditional Powerpoint presentation creating. Interactive and fresh dynamic information always availeable. Objective analyse will make feedback sessions more positive and focuse is always on Your company’s expectations and standards.

To the Platform introducing page ›

General report

If desired we will analyse the wave results and create a report based on our experience (more than 20 years) and will give also suggestions with what topics and in what order to deal in the near future. Our reports are not just export of the collected data but focused suggestions what to do with collected information. Also comparasion data with previous waves. Exports (from our platform) of data of details and text comments etc is possible to do for every level user for the specific information needed to be addressed by himself. 

General report is useful to present the general results for top management and keep the most important key factors under the control.

We will include the final report fail (pdf for example) to the Platform’s landing page to be used for Your company only.

mystery shoppings

Multilingual service

The user language of the Trendline’s Platform can be selected among all those languages agreed in advance: EST, ENG, LAT, LIT, FIN, ESP, POL, … or any other language we cooperate.

It means there will be in user chosen languaga as well as the interface language but also all the questionnaires and results as well.

Great solution for international corporations who are operating in different Countries.

For example You can analyse in Latvian language the results of Lithuania even if these are made in Lithuanian. Or to analyse in English all of the Baltic states. And the same results for example the country manager of Latvia will read in Latvian. It helps to use the success stories ot the same group in other areas. And to see if the standard is realistic and implementable.

mystery shopping mysteeriostokset Trendline customer feedback survey collecting

Secure and protected information

The access to the Trendline Mystery Shopping, Internal Audit and Customer Feedback Collecting interface can be approved in a very detailed and particular level. You as a customer can decide who sees what. For example store manager can see only his/her store’s data and for county manager the access can be granted to see the data of all country or area. It is also possible to limit the access to Your assigned IP addresses, it means We can limit the access only to Your company’s safe “gate” how to enter to our platform. This will provide the higher security of Your data. This is an important solution for the international companyes with higher security demands.

Bigger corporations can also use comfortable login with Azure AD or Office 365 users. This will also provide additional user convinience to reach easily and rapidly to the desired information. In this case You have a full control of the user base and it can be easy to control the access of the employees who might leave the company.

koolitused trendline teeninduskoolitused müügikoolitused


Mangement and service staff trainings in all Baltic states. We help department and area managers to get skilled in conducting feedback sessions with their team members. Trainings and feedback focuse seminars to the employees about what and why and how to develop in sales and service communication.

Mystery Shopping waves will give objective and exact input for our trainings.

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Trendline Analytics 20 years experience - trainings, mystery shopping, service standards, surveys

We can!

Trendline has more than 20 years of experience. We have lot of experience in making trainings, producing service standards and organizing Customer Service monitoring waves.

Some of the customers satisfied with our Mystery Shopping services:
Omniva, Pet City, Mövenpick, Circle K, Ramirent, Rimi, Ivo Nikkolo, Ibis, Citycon Kristiine, Citycon Rocca al Mare, Viru Centre, Spice and Spice Home, Tele2, Sportland, Südameapteek, Hedon Spa, Tallink Group, and others.

mystery shoppings


Welcome to read the articles that explane in a more profund way our viewpoint on Mystery Shopping and on Customer Service generally.

Read our blog ›

testostja testostud Mystery Shopping

How to become a Mystery Shopper?

If You like our vision and approach and would like to become our Mystery Shopper in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania or in Finland, then please read what we offer and what kind of expectations we do have to our partners. Here in the article You can read about the necessary phases to take and some Frequentely Asked Questions as well.